Saturday 17 March 2012

The Journey

So my journey started nice and early at Heathrow; I was there a couple of hours early but I can cope with that. The first leg was to JFK airport in New York and that all went smoothly as can be expected, with ice cream being an unexpected, but definitely embraced, delight provided towards the end of the flight. When I got to JFK, I had a couple of before my connection left and didn't even need to change terminal so was able to saunter through passport control and getnmy luggage without rushing. And then came my bad luck, which as always came in three. First off they were experiencing a mechanical issue on the plane, so when they had fixed it we were now running 45 minutes late. Next when I went to board the plane, my phone was nowhere to be found. I looked in the last few places I had been sat but had to give in to the fact it was gone and board the plane. Bye bye 2 week old phone. By now, as you can imagine, I was not in the happiest state of mind. The connection flight was full as well, not one free seat. This would never usually bother me, but being my lucky day I wish there had been another seat I could have moved to. The guy I was seated next to was either a)afraid of flying b)ill c)both. Whatever the reason he suddenly began vomiting before the plane had even taken off, so suddenly that he was caught unawares, leaving no time to open a sick bag. After that, well let's just say it's a good job I don't have a strong gag reflex!

When I finally managed to leave Montreal airport it was getting on for 11pm. The organiser, Glenn Wilson, very kindly came and picked me up from the airport and brought me to the house of the billets I will be staying with until Saturday. They are really lovely and I am really looking forward to the week ahead and hopefully giving my ranking a kick start now I'm back from injury!

Song of the Day: Lana Del Ray - Video Games

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